Disruptive innovation required to achieve 'End-to-End' Global Supply Chain visibility
Innovation Timeline: From Document to Process Driven
NeXTRADE & Supply Chain Disruption
Enabling the currently inhibited emerging economies and 365-445m micro/small & medium sized enterprises (MSME/SME) traders to engage and be digitally visible in global supply chains.
Establishing supply chain end-to-end visibility, transparency, and trust at scale required to release USD2.5t unmet trade finance demand and to meet the Environment & Social Governance mandates and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The challenge society must address.
Digitally link the smaller supply chain contributors to the large Corporates and Government Authorities
The NeXTRADE ‘Comet Model’ is a useful diagram to assist understand the ‘AS-IS’ of the current state of the global supply chain ecosystem.
The orange, yellow, beige & red integration arrows depicts todays ‘AS-IS’ situation, making evident the exclusion of SME’s.
The ‘TO-BE’, SME inclusive, and thus end-to-end supply chain visibility, transparency and trust at scale requires standards and interoperability and without supplier lock-in.
STANDARDS + Technology + Law = Global Supply Chains Democratized
Disruptive Innovation - Lesson from history.
STANDARDS + Technology + Law = Transport Democratized
1886 Transformative Innovation
Bespoke, expensive, limited, and the privilege of the wealthy.
1908 Disruptive Innovation
‘T’ Model Ford Affordable, road use laws changed, used by all.
The ICC/DSI initiative engages the public sector to progress regulatory and institutional reform, and mobilizes the private sector on adoption, implementation and capacity building